Quercetin: A Powerful Anti-Oxidant to Fight COVID

Hospitals are using quercetin as part of their arsenal to fight against COVID.

Quercetin is a safe natural anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory polyphenolic compound that found in various foods including onion, red grapes, honey and citrus fruits.

Studies have shown that combining zinc and vitamin C together with quercetin can create a synergistic effect that boosts the immune system.

Vitamin C recycles quercetin to strengthen it’s impact on the immune system. Zinc has been found to help with quercetin’s transport system and blocks viral entry and replication.

Even if you have a diverse diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, you may only get 80mg of quercetin per day.

Studies have shown that 500 – 1,000mg per day not only helps strengthen the immune system, but it can also help decrease stiffness and pain for those with autoimmune issues, specifically rheumatoid arthritis.

So before you turn to prescription medication with possible harmful side effects, explore the safe and potent options from nature.

We have IV Therapy with Vitamin C, Zinc and many other options to give your body what it needs to stay strong.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Shirley visit leveluphealthcare.com or 888-406-0688


Shirley Wang is the Director of Level Up Integrative Health and Medspa in Newport Beach, CA. She practices Functional Medicine to heal the body from within. She helps patients create wellness by addressing the root cause of disease rather than treating the symptoms. Whether you are looking to balance your hormones, improve your energy or slow down the aging process, Dr. Shirley can create a personalized wellness plan specific to your own genetic and physiologic needs.

Find her and more of her content all over social media:
