Twitter, Facebook & Democrat panic!!! Vitamin D success in UK. Remdesivir&HCQ fail in WHO trail

Kamala Harris’s Former Press Secretary Is the Face of Twitter Censorship:

“Sen. Hawley’s Limiting Section 230 Immunity to Good Samaritans Act would allow Americans to sue Big Tech for censoring political speech or hiding competitor content.”

Twitter has suspended @TeamTrump
for posting a video calling Joe Biden a liar who has been ripping off our country for years, as it relates to the @nypost article.

The conspiracy theoretical channel X22report got banned from Youtube without explanation:

X22 Report Was Suspended From YouTube

100 IU vitamin D per kilo daily:

Vitamin D Mitigates COVID-19, Say 40+ Patient Studies (listed below) – Yet BAME, Elderly, Care-homers, and Obese are still ‘D’ deficient, thus at greater COVID-19 risk – WHY?

Remdesivir flops in the large Solidarity trial, expectedly on mortality, but more surprisingly on speed of hospital discharge as well.

The WHO’s Solidarity trial (n=11,266), where Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir+/- Interferon all fail to show a mortality benefit.

(Backup of videos when Youtube takes them down)

(fails to mirror)

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