"How to Make Fruit Juice High in Vitamin C" by : Nur Sabrina A.A // 3.S5.1 // 27

Assalamualaikum wr wb

Hello Everyone!

Name : Nur Sabrina Aprianti Arifin
Class : 3.S5.1
Number : 27

In pandemic situation we are know about how important keep healty and body immunity, therefore we make something easy make like fruit juice high in vitamin C which is good for cumsumtion

30 minute

– 1 Apple
– 1 Orange
– 2 Carrots
– 400 ml water
– 2 tablespoons of honey

– Prepare all ingredients
– Rinse the fruit under water
– Peel the skins of fruit
– Slice all the fruit, then put in the blender
– Add 400 ml of water into the blender
– Press the on button on your blender and blend until done
– Sieve the juice over a mesh strainer
– Pour the juice into a glass
– Add two tablespoons of honey into the glass
– Fruit juice high in vitamin C are ready to serve

– Try no to add sugar because added sugar promote the vitamins and nutrients deficit
– Can add ice cube to make it fresh


Wassalamu’alaikum wr wb

Good Bye!