Covid19 Recovery: My Journey Back to Wellness

COVID19 can impact the body in a myriad of ways. We are still learning so much. I am sharing my journey with Covid19 to help with awareness of acute phase and “post-covid” symptom possibilities that are outside the typical list (but pretty common indeed when you start listening to other people’s stories – I saw “my story” repeatedly while reading other people’s story in a FB group of COVID survivors). I will also share the integrative medicine healing support that has been most helpful for my recovery, to help with insights that can be discussed with your medical professional team if you need more support with recovery. My story is a bit complicated because I have also tested positive for mold exposure (OTA mycotoxins) which also is very difficult on the nervous system, GI, urinary tract and mitochondria. Many of us with COVID19 sequelae may have underlying layers of concomitant issues that may also need to be addressed.

*note: after I recorded this video I again had a terrible two weeks of severe illness triggered by antibiotic use for a UTI. I again experienced ongoing electrolyte shifts that brought on severe weakness, nausea, debilitating fatigue. While being monitored by my GP, a cardiologist, and a urologist I underwent a week of consecutive treatment of IV saline and nutrient infusions with my naturopathic doctor as well as frequent acupuncture with my acupuncturist, broths/hot fluids/soups, deep rest, surrendered to other people taking care of me/allowed myself to receive help, resumed oral supplements once I was able, started gentle daily exercise as soon as I was strong enough. I am now fully recovered and well. Deep gratitude to all my care team and health heroes.

Symptoms I experienced:
March 2020
– “flu sx” – myalgias, chills, temperature dysregulation, fatigue x 10 days (didn’t think about COVID19 bcs I had no respiratory sx/SOB or cough)
– back pain
– abdominal pain
– frequent feelings of being lightheaded, head rushes, anxiety, panic attacks
– recurrent blood tests showing shifts in electrolytes – all other tests normal

June 2020
– daily muscle spasms began in my face, legs, arms, chest despite regularly taking minerals, electrolytes
+ mold mycotoxin urine test (Great plains laboratories)

July 2020
– SEVERE hair shedding began – continued until mid September
– work up by an endocrinologist showed no abnormal findings except abnormal electrolytes (low)

August 2020
– SEVERE intense cardiac sx: palpitations, racing heart/tachycardia, arrhythmia, dramatic pulse range fluctuations, (VT) – documented on event monitor
– 4 normal ekgs
– elevated resting pulse 99-130bpm x 6+ weeks
– wild BP swings up and down
– weakness/dizziness (blood findings low sodium potassium, phosphate)
8/24 + COVID19 nasal swab tets

Omega 3s
COQ10 400mg 2x daily
Gamma tocopherols
Vitamin C/bioflavonoids
Vitamin D/K2

Facebook group:
Covid-19 Survivors Corps

10% discount on all items in the dispensary, always!

For help, call 855-935-5382

Hello from Dr. Patti Kim + Dr. Angela Agrios! We are both California Licensed Naturopathic Doctors (NDs) who have been practicing for 15+ years. Naturopathic Medicine integrates conventional and natural medicine principles and practices.

For those of you new to Naturopathic Medicine, here’s a little bit more for you:

We’re all doing our best and we’re doing PRETTY WELL. We’re excited to share the best of what we have studied, seen in practice, and continue to learn to do EVEN better! Our mission is to show you how fun and easy taking good care of yourself can be so that we all feel Pretty Well!


Dr. Angela Agrios, ND:
Dr. Patti Kim, ND, LAc:


This content is strictly for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Neither Dr. Angela Agrios, Dr. Patti Kim nor the publisher of this content takes responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.