Deficiency of vitamins Health Planet 2020

Your body gives these signs when there is a deficiency of vitamins

A healthy body and mind needs a nutritious diet. A diet that is rich in other nutrients like protein, vitamins, fats, carbohydrates, iron. If there is a deficiency of any single nutrient in the diet, then health related problems may be faced. Vitamins are extremely important for many reasons and its deficiency gives some warning signs to the body.

According to Dr. Anurag Shahi of AIIMS, vitamins are necessary for every part of the body. The vitamins needed for the normal maintenance of the body reach the body through food. At the same time they are supplied in the form of medicines when they are deficient.

Weakening of nails and hair
There can be many reasons for your hair or nail weakening but lack of biotin is one of them. Biotin is also known as Vitamin B7. Biotin works to convert food into energy in the body. If it is lacking then the nails become fragile and weak and the hair starts breaking and becoming thin.

Other symptoms may be fatigue, muscle aches, cramps, etc. In this regard, consult a doctor who can advise you to eat foods rich in biotin such as yellow egg, fish, nuts, spinach, broccoli, banana, sweet potato etc.

Pregnant women, smokers or drinkers and people with digestive disorders are at greatest risk of biotin deficiency.

bleeding gums
This is a major sign of vitamin C in the diet. Although brushing incorrectly can also cause bleeding, but vitamin C can be blamed to a large extent for bleeding from the gums. This vitamin in particular helps in immunity and healing wounds. It also acts as an antioxidant and prevents cells from being destroyed. But it is important to note here that the body does not produce vitamin C itself. It depends on the diet. It would be better to consume fresh fruits and vegetables daily.

Cracks on the corners of the mouth and lips
These are also signs of vitamin deficiency. Mouth blisters and cracks on the edges of lips especially comes from vitamin B deficiency. Apart from this, it is also a sign of iron deficiency. Eat green leafy vegetables, meat, fish, nuts, whole grains etc.

Eye problem
A diet that is deficient in nutrients gives rise to eye problems. Lack of these causes vision related problems. For example, vitamin A is often associated with a condition known as night blindness (night blindness). This reduces people’s ability to see in low light or dark. This is because vitamin A is needed to produce rhodopin, a pigment found in the retina of the eye. It helps to see at night. If left untreated, it can lead to night blindness (night blindness) xerophthalmia. Xerophthalmia is a condition that can damage the cornea and eventually lead to a state of blindness.
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