Can you boost your immune system with food?
Yes, you can! With a whole-foods, minimally processed, plant based diet 😊
In an interview the actress Jennifer Garner, Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he takes Vitamin D and Vitamin C as it can “lesson your susceptibility to infection.”
While he does not necessarily advocate for the benefit of diet and supplements in helping one boost their immune system, there is a lot of scientific evidence that shows that you can.
Nutrition is far more that simply eating for energy. Good nutrition along with a healthy lifestyle helps build all cells of your body, including your immune cells.
In this video, I discuss several plant-based foods (fruit, veggies, turmeric, nuts seeds, etc) that you can eat to boost your immunity for this season and a lifetime!!!
1. Landsverk, Gabby (2020, Sept 11). Fauci says he takes Vitamin D and C supplements and that they can lesson “your susceptibility to infection.” Insider.
2. Means, Casey (2020, April 21). Healthy Food: The Unexpected Medicine for COVID-19 and National Security.
3. Manoharan, Y., Haridas, V., Vasanthakumar, K. C., Muthu, S., Thavoorullah, F. F., & Shetty, P. (2020). Curcumin: a Wonder Drug as a Preventive Measure for COVID19 Management. Indian journal of clinical biochemistry : IJCB, 35(3), 373–375.
4. White, Ellen G. (1905). The Ministry of Healing.