Cat Owners May Have Higher Immunity For COVID 19

Cat Owners May Have Higher Immunity For COVID 19

Are you a dog or cat owner? Did you know they could actually improve your immunity? Sabina Olex-Condor, an emergency physician in Madrid, actually discovered this. According to studies done by her on 100 patients infected by Covid-19, dog and cat owners actually were able to tolerate coronavirus a lot easier. In many cases, they were even completely asymptomatic to coronavirus.

Cats can actually have the feline coronavirus that does not infect humans, according to Sabina. Because people have close contact with their cats, it is possible that they have developed antibodies for the feline virus, which can actually destroy the human virus. Pretty amazing right?

Sabina came to this conclusion when she asked her infected patients if they owned pets, when talking with them about home isolation plans. She quickly realized that patients who did not own cats were infected. Some of them were dog owners, but almost none of them were cat owners.

Yes, even though research was small with minimum statistics, Sabina will soon be able to develop this study with no statistics once this situation actually improves. This will allow her to have a wider number of patient interviews to help with statistics.

This process is called cross-reactivity, according to Sabina, and exists within nature. When there is constant daily contact with hair and saliva of domestic animals, this can reinforce people’s immunity against various viruses.

Though this is known to not be a sure guarantee of protection because not all cats get in contact with the feline coronavirus. On top of this not every person actually develops immunity in the exact same way. The hypothesis, suggested by Sabina, concludes that contact with hair and saliva from sedentary pets has the ability to strengthen human immunity against COVID-19.

A sad known fact due to this pandemic is how the number of abandoned animals has increased over a short period of time. It may be a very smart idea to social distance yourself from others, including your pets, if you are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19. This will help in protecting your pets and family. If you have been tested positive for COVID-19 and you notice your pets acting different than normal, immediately call your nearest veterinary doctor to explain the odd behavior.

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