Marino, Tatak Fern-C #InFERNess #InFERNessDance #FERNC #PriorityImmunity

As of these days, Health is my top priority. Healthy body is the best foundation that we need to take care of. I realize money can’t buy life; and with faith and prayer, everything is possible.

To improve myself, I want to be better and creative with all my tasks, especially I’m assign in the engine room of a vessel. I want to discover things that I’m not used to. As a Sea-based front liner, living in the vessel and being distant with our family is a struggle. But as I look to life, seas and oceans can’t hinders me from doing things I’m yearning for myself and to my family. I choose to continue in learning, appreciate the beauty of my work and all the places we’ve been through.

We need to take care our health for our family. Following the safety and health protocols given to us is necessary. Good lifestyle, cleaner surroundings and taking vitamins are the best way to keep our body healthy and have a strong immunity.

Majority in our vessel, take Fern-C a day to help for prevention of Vitamin C deficiency, increase body resistance from infectious disease and to have a healthy body.

For Us, FERN-C is the No. 1 Non-Acidic Vitamin C. ❤️

#InFERNess #InFERNessDance #FERNC #PriorityImmunity

***(This video taken during rest hours / free time of the crew in different days.)

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Thank You! Enjoy! ☺️❤️