In this time of pandemic, every individual must try to maintain their immune systems. Yes, as we all know, immunity is the main protection against being exposed to viruses that attack the respiratory tract. If immunity is good, the virus is reluctant to attack. To have a good and strong immune system, it can be obtained in various ways. One of the important things is to consume good vitamin C – in terms of quality, regularly.
Why is that? Because, vitamin C can help increase the production of white blood cells in the body. White blood itself plays a role in fighting various diseases, also viruses. Moreover, vitamin C is also known as a natural cold remedy, can reduce the risk of cancer, and kill tuberculosis bacteria (TB).
Vitamin C is not only an antioxidant, but also has an antiviral effect by killing viruses and preventing viral replication. Researchers have shown that vitamin C levels can decrease in patients with acute respiratory infections, so giving vitamin C can increase vitamin C levels. In coronavirus patients, vitamin C levels drop dramatically when they experience sepsis, an inflammatory response that occurs when the body overreact to infection.
So, how important is vitamin C for health, especially during pandemic?
Vitamin C or L-ascorbic acid that cannot be produced by the body itself, and is included in water soluble vitamins. Therefore, it is important to meet their daily needs. Vitamin C can be found in the natural water content of some foods, added to other foods, and in the form of multivitamins.
As previously explained, vitamin C can certainly increase immunity by producing white blood cells. But not only that, but, reported by Medical News Today, vitamin C has a role in helping the body function, including the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and several neurotransmitters.