Boosting Your Immune System: The Natural Way – presented by Dr. Dana Dragone

As the weather begins to shift and the colder seasons head our way it’s important to keep your immune system functioning at its best.
Dana Dragone, Registered Dietitian and Doctoral Candidate presents ways to boost your immune system naturally and prevent illness all winter long. Discover the best foods, supplements and activities to keep your immune system strong and keep you feeling your best!

Dana Dragone: Bio
For the past 8 years, Dana has been dedicating her life to educating herself in how to heal others through food and holistic methods. After completing her undergraduate degree in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Vermont she moved on to West Virginia University to complete a masters in clinical nutrition, and has since enrolled to be a Doctoral candidate at the Maryland University of Integrated Health where she will soon graduate as a Doctor of Clinical Nutrition with a concentration in Functional Medicine. Dana has been practicing as a nutritional consult for the past 3 years at Southampton Hospital before opening her own practice this winter.