How to Safely & Naturally Detox

First a word of caution! Detoxification programs should ALWAYS be approached with caution. Before beginning a detox protocol, you need to make sure your gut is in good shape (no leaky gut), make sure your elimination pathways are cleared and depending on the type of detox protocol, make sure your body is ready to handle it.

The first thing to consider is to stop putting so much toxins in your body so it doesn’t have to work so hard to detoxify and eliminate them.
1. Eating whole foods, pasture raised and/or organic
2. Stop eating processed and fried foods
3. Greatly reduce sugar consumption

4. Check your health care products for toxic ingredients. Look them up on the ewg.org
5. If you are having trouble with your diet, check out my online program to get the support and education for a sugar detox/cleanse

Next, we can look at supporting our bodies detoxification systems.

The lymphatic system collects all the wastes from the cells in our body so that they don’t accumulate and cause disease. Unfortunately it didn’t come equipped with a pump like the cardiovascular system and its movement depends on the motions of your muscle and joints. If your lymph system is congested you may feel brain foggy, tired, bloated, swollen, or stiff in the morning.

There are gentle ways to support the lymphatic system to keep it running smoothly.
1. Gentle exercise such as walking, yoga, stretching.
2. Lymphatic massage
3. Hot and cold showers (note in the video I say 15 mins. I meant seconds!)
4. Dry brushing
5. Plenty of clean water and warm lemon water
6. Breathe deeply

The second key player (but not less important) is the liver. The liver is our bodies filter and if the filter is not functioning properly you definitely won’t be filling your best. Here are few different ways to gently support the liver and promote better detoxification.
1. Herbal Teas
2. Hot castor oil packs
3. Supplements such as DIM, Milk Thistle, Vitamin C, and Glutathione
4. Coffee Enemas

If you have any questions I’d love to hear from you or head over to my website and schedule your free discovery call.