This Common Vitamin Is Proven to Reduce Anxiety and Stress (Niacin for


Anxiety is becoming a part of our everyday life. Whether it has to do with school, work, relationships, social interactions, health issues, or even other issues such as politics, our world is so fast paced and hectic that anxiety and stress plague every situation we’re in. It’s really inevitable to feel stressed or anxious occasionally, but when this feeling insists on persisting or having extreme physical symptoms it becomes something worth worrying about. You might find yourself being fearful or tense in situations that don’t necessarily call for it or viewing the world as threatening and minor threats as major ones. If you are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder then there are a few different treatment approaches that you can consider. A few of the most common ones are therapy, changes in what you eat for how/when you sleep, psychological counseling, and medication. Niacin, or vitamin B3, is great at relaxing the muscles around our veins, allowing them to relax which increases our blood flow and reduces blood pressure. It also increases our good cholesterol levels and reduces the amount of bad cholesterol in our bodies, helping keep our heart healthy. Since it’s cancels out the effects of adrenaline (which people who suffer from anxiety have in abundance) it can be used to treat stress and anxiety disorders. Studies have shown that it promotes calm feelings and a restful sleep, regulates our hormones and gets rid of any unnecessary adrenalin we may be feeling. If you wish to increase you niacin intake naturally, then you can eat more fresh foods, specifically nuts, peas, fish, and avocado. If you wish to take niacin supplements, you need to consult a professional. Excessive levels of niacin can cause a condition called “flushing”. It causes extreme vasodilatation and may even increase anxiety.

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