Trump campaigns in Florida after testing negative for COVID-19

백악관 “트럼프, 코로나 음성”…트럼프, 마스크 벗고 플로리다로

U.S. President Donald Trump jumped straight back on the campaign trail Monday almost immediately after his doctors gave him the all clear from COVID-19.
His first stop was the crucial swing state of Florida.
Kim Yeon-seung reports.
U.S. President Donald Trump was in Florida Monday, local time, after testing negative for COVID-19.
White House Physician Sean Conley determined his negative status through the Abbott BinaxNOW antigen card and a number of other clinical and laboratory measurements.
Conley added he felt confident enough to state that President Trump is no longer a transmission risk.
With Conley giving him the green light, President Trump immediately hopped aboard Air Force One to Sanford, Florida to resume campaigning for the November 3rd election.
He took to the podium at the crowded outdoor rally without a mask and confidently restated he’s now immune to the virus.
“Now they say I’m immune. I can, I feel, I feel so powerful. I’ll walk into that audience. I’ll walk in there, I’ll kiss everyone in that audience. I’ll kiss the guys and the beautiful women and everybody. I’ll just give you a big fat kiss.”
His rally in Florida kickstarts an intense three-week sprint to election day.
After being sidelined during his COVID-19 diagnosis, Trump is trying to win over undecided voters and strengthen his base in the swing states.
During the past six presidential elections, Florida has been a bellwether of who wins the White House.
Despite the packed crowd in Sanford, a recent New York Times poll suggested Joe Biden has a five point lead over Trump in Florida.
President Trump’s upcoming campaign schedule includes stops in other battleground states like Pennsylvania, Iowa, North Carolina and Wisconsin.
Kim Yeon-seung, Arirang News.

2020-10-13, 12:00 (KST)

#Trump #COVID19 #campaign

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