All you need to Build Strength, Stamina and Boost your Immunity

Chyawanprash is one of the most potent Rasayan’s and tonic’s to boost immunity and give strength, stamina and vitality.

Chyawanprash is made with a total of 54 herbs and all the ingredients have to be properly procured, the environment has to be pure, mantras have to chanted while preparing it and no herbs can be missed.
The key ingredient is desi amla or the Indian gooseberry, which is the richest source of Vitamin C.
The Indian Gooseberry contains fiber which cannot be extracted by a machine, it has to be done by a sadhak and in the ambience of correct chants of specific mantras.

The honey which is used to prepare the Chyawanprash, has to be natural. Also one needs to ensure that the ghee is obtained from the milk of a desi cow, who has not been subjected to pain and whose calf has got its share of milk. Also important is the process with which ghee is made.

So one can imagine, what is produced in commercial factories, is far from what Chyawanprash is supposed to be.

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