Introduction to Free Tai Chi for Rehabilitation Lesson One to Improve Immunity and Reduce Stress

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To learn more about Dr Paul Lam’s Online Tai Chi Lessons:

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NEW NOTE: I am incredibly happy that my Tai Chi for Rehabilitation has helped improve your immunity and health. Initially the free lessons were for six weeks, but it has been available for six months. Over 55,000 people have accessed the course during that time.
Our team have devoted a lot of time and resources to producing the instructional materials. We have shared many of them free, but there is a limit, otherwise we could not survive to continue our work. Please support us by subscribing – use the link above; the fee is very reasonable. Then you can take advantage of the higher definition and use the program on any internet able device for as long as you continue to subscribe. Also you can be a part of our Global Community.
Parts of the previous note:

The immune system is like an army within our bodies that fights against germs and cancer cells quietly every day to keep us safe and well. Covid 19 affects people with lower immunity much more severely. Tai chi has been proven by medical studies to improve immunity. Here is something you can do now to be healthier for the future, as well as learning something new and enjoyable.
I choose the Tai Chi for Rehabilitation program because it is very easy to learn. The lessons are designed as though you are working with me in my class, many people have gained health benefits from it.

There are many Tai Chi for Health Institute board certified instructors around the world, you can find them in our website, contact them for help. They might be able to guide and work with you through internet with this or other programs.

Lesson one will follow this message soon, for the rest of the lessons please subscribe You would be helping Dr Lam and his team to continue our work to help improve health and wellness.

If you like other lessons, you can find all first lessons of my online lessons or instructional DVDs free on Youtube. Search my name Dr Paul Lam and tai chi, you will find these free lessons.

To watch the first free lesson to Tai Chi for Rehabilitation on YouTube:

To learn more about Dr Paul Lam’s Online Tai Chi Lessons:

To shop Tai Chi DVDs, Books and other products:

To visit the Tai Chi for Health Institute website: