Amazing Avocado Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts & Beauty tips

Amazing Avocado Health Benefits, Nutritional Facts & Beauty tips
Avocado is one of the most popular “superfoods” trending right now, and it’s easy to see why everyone is so enamored with the fruit — it’s rich, creamy, and delicious! But did you also know that it’s crammed with 20 different nutrients and good fats?
You can even use it topically as a moisturizer for your skin and hair.
watchon to learn more about this amazing food!
1. Highly Nutritious
The avocado fruit is basically popular for its high nutrient value and can easily be added to different dishes in order to add rich texture and good flavor. Avocado is often referred to as super food due to its high health properties. Some of the health nutrients found in avocados include vitamin K, folate, vitamin C, potassium, and vitamins B5, B6, and E. It also contains small traces of manganese, magnesium, iron, copper, zinc, vitamin A, phosphorus, and vitamin B1, B2, and B3.
2. Avocados Are Loaded With Fiber
Fiber is another nutrient that avocados are relatively rich in.
It’s indigestible plant matter that can contribute to weight loss, reduce blood sugar spikes and is strongly linked to a lower risk of many diseases
3. Eating Avocado May Help You Lose Weight
There is some evidence that avocados are a weight loss friendly food.
In one study, people eating avocado with a meal felt 23% more satisfied and had a 28% lower desire to eat over the next 5 hours, compared to people who did not consume this fruit (35).
Should this hold true in the long term, then including avocados in your diet may help you naturally eat fewer calories and make it easier for you to stick to healthy eating habits.
Avocados are also high in fiber and very low in carbs, two attributes that should help promote weight loss as well, at least in the context of a healthy, real-food-based diet.
4. Great for vision
Avocados contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two phytochemicals that are especially concentrated in the tissues in the eyes where they provide antioxidant protection to help minimize damage, including from ultraviolet light.
As the monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados also support the absorption of other beneficial fat-soluble antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, adding avocados to your diet may help to reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.
5. Health During Pregnancy: One cup of avocado provides almost 25% of your recommended dose of folate, which is crucial during pregnancy and also helps lower your risk of heart attack.
6. Lowers Blood Pressure: One cup of sliced avocado provides 20% of your daily potassium (double what you get in a banana) and 10% of your daily dose of magnesium — both of which are crucial in controlling blood pressure. Potassium helps control blood pressure by relaxing your arteries, and ridding the body of excess sodium. Too much sodium leads to fluid retention, which makes you bloated. Magnesium is required for nerve and muscle function, as well as bone growth and maintenance.
7advocado face masks
Avocados in the form of face masks are a natural and chemical-free way to nourish skin. If you are looking for some natural home remedies to replenish your face, especially if you have dry, red, itchy, or rough skin due to the harsh weather, then you should really consider all the benefits of avocado, including:
• As mentioned, it’s great for skincare.
• They are rich source of essential nutrients that soothe and moisturize your face.
• They contain vitamin B, vitamin E, and amino acids.
Topical application of them as masks will give your skin numerous beauty benefits.

8. Reduces Cholesterol: Avocados are full of good fats, and this is its main claim to fame. A cup of sliced avocado provides 32% of your daily fat recommendation — but it’s monounsaturated fat, which helps lower cholesterol. This, in turn, helps lower your risk of heart disease and stroke. They also contain phytosterols, which have anti-inflammatory properties .
9. Improved digestion
Despite its creamy texture, an avocado is actually high in fiber with approximately 6-7 grams per half fruit.
Eating foods with natural fiber can help prevent constipation, maintain a healthy digestive tract, and lower the risk of colon cancer.
10. Filled with Monounsaturated Fatty Acids
Avocado is one of the fattiest plant foods in the world with a total of 77% of the calories due to fat. However, majority of the fat in the fruit is oleic acid. It is a type of monounsaturated fatty acid, which is also found in olive oil. It is highly beneficial in a number of health reasons. Oleic acid is useful for reducing inflammation and have also shown signs to be beneficial on genes linked to cancer.
11. Aids In The Absorption Of Other Nutrients: Key vitamins like vitamin A, D, E, and K are fat soluble — meaning they need fat to be absorbed in the body. That’s why adding avocado to salads or vegetable-heavy dishes can aid in nutrient absorption.
12. People Who Eat Avocados Tend to Be Healthier