Coronavirus: Europe sees record single-day surge in COVID-19 cases

Spain’s government has declared a state of emergency in Madrid so that it can resume partial restrictions on movement there that were struck down by a court.

The government announced the measure after an emergency Cabinet meeting Friday to decide what to do about the Madrid region, which is witnessing one of Europe’s most concerning coronavirus clusters.

Chancellor Angela Merkel is meeting with the mayors of Germany’s largest cities as coronavirus cases rise in metropolitan areas.

Germany’s disease control centre reported 4,516 new cases overnight Friday. Merkel’s meeting by video conference with 11 mayors will discuss slowing the spread of the virus.

Intensive care wards across France are filling up again with COVID-19 patients. Doctors are scrambling to create new ICU beds elsewhere to accommodate the sick.

The COVID-19 patients now occupy 40% of ICU beds in the Paris region, and more than a quarter of ICUs nationwide, after infections among young people spread to vulnerable populations.

Europe bureau chief Crystal Goommansingh talks about the surge in coronavirus cases all over Europe, as well as new restriction measures to be enforced.

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