Protein Powder | Health Powder for Kids | For Brain Development, Growth Immunity

Dear friends today we will prepare protein powder for babies.
Protein Powder | Health Powder for Kids | For Brain Development, Growth Immunity.
This protein powder is prepared from different nuts. Before we start preparing, let me share something important with you. The important question that comes to our mind is when should you really introduce nuts to your baby. I also had the same question. Most doctors recommend not to use any kind of nuts until your baby is at least a year old Even Some doctors would recommend introducing dry fruits or any other nuts, only after your baby is 2 years old.
And another important thing is, when you are planning to give nuts to your baby it is better to try one nut at one time. Dont mix everything and feed your baby. Because some babies are allergic to certain kinds of nuts. So it’s better to try one nut and watch the reaction on your baby and then move on to trying another.
So let’s get started.
So I am preparing this powder with 4 key ingredients. Walnuts, almonds, Cashwe, and pistachios
Walnuts are dry fruits that almost look like a miniature human brain. Walnuts contain Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) a type of Omega-3’s. Walnuts are exceptionally high in their content of the omega-3 fatty acid, compared to other nuts. Omega-3’s are considered to be heart healthy because they help lower cholesterol levels, reduce inflammation, and improve blood flow through your arteries. Walnuts are not only good for your heart but are also good for your brain! “Omega 3 fatty acids are the type of fat preferred by the brain and nervous system.” Walnuts are also rich in magnesium and vitamin B1, B6 and folate which is known as vitamin B9
So walnuts add many essential nutrients to your kid’s plate n we must consider including them in our little champss diet to make him smarter and stronger.

Almonds are a health food because of the high vitamin, protein, and mineral content. Almonds are an incredible source of vitamin E. They have a huge amount of minerals like manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. Almonds help build immunity, improve bone health, keep hair & skin healthy, boost energy and increase memory power.
Cashew nuts are good for the heart, regulates blood pressure, good for the bone.

Pistachios contain High levels of unsaturated fatty acids and potassium. It is also a rich source of protein & antioxidants.

Thanks for watching

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