Benefits of eating 2 eggs daily | Bodybuilding diet eggs | Daily Dose


Eggs have been getting a bad rap in the health and fitness community because they are associated with cholesterol and weight gain. Others say they may trigger a heart attack. But you might be missing more benefits than you realized. Healthy Zone will crack the myths behind eggs, especially the egg yolks and let you know what will happen if you eat 3 eggs a day.

– Eggs have been getting a bad rap in the health and fitness community because they are associated with cholesterol and weight gain. Others say they may trigger a heart attack, and people who want to lose weight usually remove eggs from their diet. But what if you tried to eat 3 eggs a day? You might be missing more benefits than you realized.
– Egg contain calories, protein, healthy fats, folate, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamins A, B5, B12, B2, D, E, K, and B6. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids and dietary cholesterol.
– A large egg contains about 6 g of high-quality protein, which may help you eat less for several hours after a meal. As a result, this helps you lose weight.
