IMMUNITY & SOLAR NUTRITION: Pheomelanin/TRANSPARENT/Light vs Eumelanin/Dark skin in European Climate

we are falsely led to believe that skin is merely white or black and that “k0v1d” is a racial virus. In fact “white” people have TRANSPARENT pheomelanated (red pigment) skin so that we can RAPIDLY ABSORB SOLAR “NUTRITION” into our veins, haemoglobin/vitamin D/more. People with Eumelanated/Dark skin are suited for a more sunny climate and suffer deficiencies from not getting enough sunlight in the North Europe climate “FURTHER AWAY” FROM THE SUN. The same deficiences are observed in women who wear veils such as muslim women — they suffer lack of solar “nutrition”. The “lockdown” has reduced the immunity of people who require more dosage from the sun than transparent-skinned people — we transparent skinned people only require short exposure and we develop a temporary tan to protect us from excess radiation. We can go outside for a few hours, maybe less, and get sufficient “Solar Nutrition”, Heavily-Eumelanated people require subsaharan african sun for equivalent “Solar Nutrition”.