COVID-19 and Nutrition: How to Boost Your Immune System

With this whole COVID-19 issue I figured I’d play my part and help out. Here’s a video on how to boost your immune system during this whole Coronavirus thing, or for when you’re sick in general.

Links mentioned in video:

Workout Nutrition DIY: Why Diets Suck.

SUPP UP. No Bull, Whole Food Military Nutrition On The Go. Guide

SUPP UP. No Bull, Whole Food Military Nutrition At Home. Guide

All guides are available for immediate download (or as a paperback).

SUPP UP. Guides and Apparel available in Shop

Stock footage provided by and downloaded from:

Videvo –
Driving at Sunset by AH Films –
Cotton Bro
Tim Savage
Josue Ladoo Pelegrin
Aurel Serban