WARNING: Never Take Vitamin D Without This Or You’ll Have A Heart Attack

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#drsamrobbins #perfectvitamindk
WARNING: Never Take Vitamin D Without This Or You’ll Have A Heart Attack
Today’s topic is super important – not only for allowing you to live a much healthier life, one with a higher immune system, more energy, happier mood, decreased diseases and even cancers.

But also on the flip side, if doing this wrong – you’ll actually increase your risk for osteoporosis, getting a heart attack or stroke.

So, today’s topic is about the fact that you MUST take two super vitamins together.

Now, let’s first start with our star player – Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is easily one of the most valuable vitamins you should be taking daily.

Sadly, 90% of the population is deficient in this “sunshine” vitamin and most are certainly NOT at the optimal level.

In fact, Vitamin D is not technically even a Vitamin. It’s a hormone… That’s why it’s so powerful.

Sadly, the older we get, the less Vitamin D your body produces and absorbs.

And the higher your body fat, the lower your D levels.

And the less youthful hormones you have, the lower your Vitamin D

What’s worse, those of us who are taking Vitamin D in supplement form, are taking the WRONG form.

This includes myself a few years ago because I was just listening to everyone else and all the so-called, “experts”.

You see, most Vitamin D comes in oil caplets.

But did you know that not only is this the cheapest and least absorbable form… But it comes from animal by-product called “sheep grease”.
Yes, oil based forms of Vitamin D are actually derived from bodily fluids secreted by sheep’s glands and wool (yuck!).
The best form is actually the micro-encapsulated, powdered form..

And I only discovered this about 7-8 years ago after doing tons of blood work on myself, family members and clients.
And there’s a direct link below this video to one of the best Vitamin D products in the world and it’s called Perfect Vitamin DK™

It’s 100% plant based, vegan, certified organic and wild harvested.
Now, I mention Perfect Vitamin DK™ and it’s named “perfect” for a reason…
Because it contains the correct form of micro-encapsulated Vitamin D3, combined with a patented Vitamin K2 as MK-7 (MenaQ7® trans menaquinone-7)
This synergist combination is the key and what I want you to pay attention to.
Perfect Vitamin DK™ also uses the correct clinically validated dose of about a 2.5:1 ratio.
Which is 125 mcg (5,000 iu) of D3 with 50 mcg of K2/MK-7
Why is Vitamin K2 so important?…
Because as fantastic as Vitamin D3 is, it works as a team, together with Vitamin K2.
You see, when taking the correct higher dose of Vitamin D3 to increase your levels when measured in a blood test [25-hydroxyvitamin D, 25(OH)D], the D3 can actually cause hypercalcemia, which is excessively high levels of calcium in the blood
This can lead to BVC – which is Blood Vessel Calcification.
So many people are focused on high cholesterol levels, that they completely miss this major cause – which is D3 taken by itself.
This basically means that calcium phosphate starts to accumulate in the blood vessels, which is a primary underlying cause of heart disease.
This means more calcium and plaque in the arteries, less blood flow and then add in higher cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, hormonal imbalances and you have the perfect recipe for a heart attack or stroke.
Scientists have also discovered that low levels of Vitamin K2 as MK-7, ALSO increases BVC – which means more calcium in your blood vessels, narrowing your arteries and thus, potentially leading to a heart attack or stroke.
Which by the way, over 90% of people are also deficient in Vitamin K2 as well.
So, low levels of both D3 and K2 are bad. However, taking D3 by itself is also bad.

Thank you for watching. Please feel free to comment, like or share with your friends.

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Disclaimer: As with all information, products and services, results are not guaranteed and may vary from one individual to another. The information in this video and/or at this channel is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge, educational and information from the research and experience of Dr. Sam Robbins, who encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

Statements made, or solutions suggested in this video and/or at this channel, have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.