Say NO To JUNK FOOD | Educational Video For Students | Episode 1

The immune system is the body’s defence against invading microbes, it identifies the microorganisms as hostile particles, identifies and destroys them. Our immune system is a series of cells, tissues and organs that, throughout our lifetime, protects us from different invading microorganisms and keeps us healthy and able to resist many repeated infections from infancy to adulthood.

Human beings over years have seen several epidemics like smallpox, polio and the Spanish flu and the immune system has adapted to survive these organisms. Since severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a new virus, there is no pre-existing immunity in human beings. This has raised several questions in the minds of parents.

Childhood immunity and diet:
Your child’s immune system is changing continuously. It is adapting and strengthening in response to external triggers. The eating habits will help them in enhancing natural defences and enabling them to fight infections.

Nutrition is an important determinant of immune responses in your child and nutritional deficiencies alter their immune response, increasing risk of infection. Balanced nutrition and supplements will help your child to keep away infections.

Immunity boosting vitamins and minerals:
Vitamin C, known as ascorbic acid, is found in citrus fruits, berries, potatoes and peppers. It is also found in plant sources, including tomatoes, peppers, broccoli. Vitamin C supports the immune system by stimulating the formation of antibodies.

Vitamin E works as an antioxidant and may support immune function. Adding vitamin E in your child’s diet with fortified cereals, sunflower seeds, almonds, oils (such as sunflower or safflower oil), hazelnuts and peanut butter will help to boost immunity.

Zinc helps the immune system function effectively and may help in healing of wounds. Sources of zinc for your child are lean meat, poultry, seafood, milk, whole grain products, beans, seeds and nuts.

Proteins are the building blocks of your child’s immune system, especially for healing and recovery purposes. Addition of protein rich foods like seafood, lean meat, poultry, eggs, beans and peas, soy products and unsalted nuts and seeds will be helpful in boosting immunity.

Probiotics are living microorganisms that are found naturally in foods such as yogurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso and kefir. These microorganisms are known as ‘good’ or ‘friendly’ bacteria – as they keep away the harmful bacteria and prevent them from settling in the gut.

Other nutrients, including vitamin A, D, B6, B12, copper, folate, selenium and iron also support immune response and help your child to boost the immune system.

Diet plays an important role in supporting or damaging the immune system of your child. It has a dual role in your child’s immunity. Firstly, a poor diet will lead to nutritional deficiency which will impact immune function by suppressing or dysfunction of the immune response. Secondly, a diet consisting of junk foods may lead to oxidative stress and inflammation (release of damaging chemicals) which can further damage the immune system. Hence avoiding junk food is important.

The immune system plays a vital role in the wellbeing of your child. From childhood to adulthood, you have to help your child to develop and grow. A holistic approach from birth is necessary for growth, development and the health of your child. This becomes more critical during the current COVID-19 environment.

‘Immunity’ is the most powerful asset for children, especially during these tough, uncertain times! It helps us fight diseases, makes us strong and helps us to stay healthy forever. But a thief has entered our house! He has come to steal our precious immunity shield! At any cost, WE HAVE TO CATCH THIS THIEF! In this video, our school headquarters have given us 3 clues to catch this notorious thief. I need YOUR HELP in decoding these clues!

Join us on this journey and save your immunity. Watch this video until the end. I have a gift waiting, especially for you!

This video has a moral story for children about why they should eat healthy food. Learn how living food boosts your immunity while dead food steals it away.

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Music: “Little idea” from
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[Composer: Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound)]