common concerns regarding eggs

The average Egg contains about six grams of high quality protein, which roughly 15% of an adult’s daily requirement. it also supplies many important vitamins and minerals, such as iron, calcium and vitamins like vitamin A,B,D and E. But it is also low in calories as a large egg only contains 75 calories.
All of an egg’s cholesterol and most of its other nutrients are found in yolk.The white portion mainly consists of protein.
Observe the eggs before choosing and storing them. The fresher the eggs, the better the flavour and nutritional value. Eggs can be kept for upto three weeks, but its best to eat them as soon as one can and use the older ones for baking and sauce

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Lean fitness is a heath & fitness channel. through lean fitness my aim to break the myths of fitness and bodybuilding and provide true knowledge to people which fitness guru’s have been hiding

Start by me small introduction.manoj sawant is certified trainer & sport nutritionist having 2 n half year of experience in this field more than 50 clients transformation

As a personal trainer works one-on-one with a client to develop and implement a fitness training regimen that helps them lose weight, get stronger, improve physical performance or maintain their health. individualized exercises that are based upon their personal goals, skill level and needs.
