Weight loss, useless supplements, how to think better, the greenhouse hypotheses fails

My friend lost -14.8 kg since May. Now under 100 kg
I had to check myself: I’ve gone down from 95 to 87 kilo. Apparently it works with intermittent fasting, no wheat, long walks, etc, despite I drink too much beer. But it’s fully fermented low carb chocolate stout with cinnamon and curry mix in it, so it shouldn’t give me high blood sugar.

Wonderful explanation of why the “greenhouse effect” does not exist in the atmosphere and the climate models are total bullshit:

The key assumption of AGW model (the greenhouse effect caused by human emissions of CO2) is more CO2 leads to greater atmospheric opacity to OLR (outgoing longwave radiation). Facts show the key assumption is wrong. More CO2 did not change opacity to OLR.

Higher opacity to OLR (outgoing longwave radiation), then causes less OLR emission to space, therefor causing AGW. Facts show OLR emissions increased. Opposite of model projection.

You you who take a lot of expensive supplements, but are on a keto/carnivore diet:
(Actually only 9 supplements)
Calcium (you should get enough from vegetables and broth)
Probiotic (only needed if you have a problem with the gut bacteria)
Vitamin C (without carbs and sugar, no extra C is needed)
MCT oil (very expensive)
Fiber-supplements (not needed for good shit)
Fish oil (You already eat enough fish)
Green powder (I have no idea what this is)
Collagen powder (You get this from the meat and fish, you eat)
Multivitamin (Only needed if you cheat with crap-food)

Liver can pretty much replace multivitamin pills. Eat pork och chicken liver, if you don’t like the taste of beef liver! You don’t need much.

Great medical and health information and videos:

Dr VA Shiva has some great videos on spices, vitamins and minerals, and how they should be combined:

General tips:
0) NAC is good to eat to lower inflammation, especially if you have liver problems. This works for Europe: Use code HENRIK-R29U to get some extra – varies with time.

1) Vitamin D: Minimum 2000 IU/daily unless you get sun during lunchtime. 10 000 IE if you are big and/or obese or train hard. Take with K2. Quercetin 1 gram/day, 25 mg zinc, green tea/EGCG. Vitamin C spread over the day can help.
Studies on vitamin D (updated):

2) Eat less sugar, carbs and processed vegetable oils, but more greens, non-processed fats like butter and cocos fat and olive oil (Many US olive oils are blended with processed oils – avoid!). Eat garlic, onions, and spices can help with their antiviral and antiinflammatory properties.

3) Being out in the forest 2 times a week boost the immune systems

4) Star anise in combination with quercetin is very antiviral.

5) Daily warm baths and/or training

6) Ivermectin is the cure against viruses. Get it from your doctor, but it can also be bought as an animal medicine everywhere. Except for in North America you can buy Bromhexin OTC witch is really helpful against the cough that you probably will never get if you eat your zinc, quercetin and vitamin D.

7) Never miss the daily big breath!

8) Do not socially distance yourself! It will weaken the immune system

(Backup of videos when Youtube takes them down)

(fails to mirror)

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