Vitamin A : Chemistry, Metabolism, Biochemical function, Deficiency | Biochemistry | Science Facts

In this video we have discussed about Vitamin A : it’s metabolism, biochemical function, dietary sources, deficiency !!
Here we learn about Vitamin A in detail..

1) Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin.
2) Vitamin A represent many structurally related & biologically active molecules.
3) Major form of vitamin A are : Retinol and b carotene.
4) Vitamers of vitamin A are : Retinol, Retinal and Retinoic acid.

Retinol are found in animal foods.
Retinal are obtained by oxidation of retinol.
Retinoic acid are obtained by oxidation of retinal.
b carotene are found in green leafy vegetables and fruits.

# Biochemical Functions :-
1) Vitamin A is necessary for variety of functions such as vision, proper growth, reproduction & maintenance of epithelial cells.
2) Vitamin A is essential for maintenance of proper immune system to fight against various infections.

# Daily requirement :-
1) Daily req of vitamin A is expressed in Retinol equivalents (RE) rather than International units (IU).
2) For Man : 1,000 RE
For woman : 800 RE
3) The req increases in growing children, pregnant woman and lactating mothers.

# Dietary sources :-
Animal sources contain vitamin A. Best sources are eggs, milk, cheese, butter, fish liver oils.
Vegetable sources contain carotenes. Dark green vegetables & fruits are good sources of carotenes. eg : carrots, spinach, pumpkin, mango, papaya, etc.

# Deficiency :-
Vitamin A deficiency leads to Night blindness. It is one of the earliest symptoms of vitamin A deficiency. Severe deficiency of vitamin A leads to Xerophthalmia. Vitamin A deficiency blindness is mostly common in children of developing countries.
#vitaminA #biochemistry #Sciencefacts