don't be panic on covid,have confidence on your immune system which can destroy covid/Jeevate jeevan

If you have a smart phone and Internet connection all the necessary informations of this world are in your hand, you don’t need to ask anyone, search in Google “worldometer ” you will get many informations that are surprising you. In this days covid 19 is the subject at everywhere and in everyone’s mind,
So we have to know some facts about covid 19.

Today is Friday 9/10/2020, till 9pm today total covid19 infected peoples are 36948885(total cases)
total deaths are 1069572.(3% of total cases )
total recovered are 27781311
now infected condition continues in 8098002 people ( total infected remained )
finally as a result 97% would be the recovering rate, and 3% would be the death rate, according to the statistics till today.

But we must know some other facts,
There are many other communicable diseases among us, and total deaths of all communicable diseases this year till today are 10062998
(nine times bigger than the deaths of covid19)
but we haven’t knew about any of it or the horrible death rate it made.
why because nobody reported about it, but all are reporting always about covid 19 cases and its deaths.

cancer is a lifestyle disease, the cause of cancer is 95% the bad quality goods and materials we use everyday which filled with Poisson and chemicals that we applying to our own body internally and externally.
Total deaths of cancer this year till today are 6366550 (six times bigger than covid19 )

HIV/AIDS total deaths this year are (1303049)
Total deaths by Alcohol conception this year are 1938990. total deaths of smoking this year are 3874995
Malaria deaths this year are 760617
Deaths of children this year only under 5 years are 5891012

Total deaths caused by hunger this year till today are 8668850 ( eight times bigger than covid19 )all these deaths are many times bigger than the deaths of covid19.
but nobody reported it or none of the authorities suggested any method of precautions to avoid these diseases form our life.
Do you know why?

For all other diseases the medical world have enough time for treatment process.
All the patients of other diseases will pay the money of their treatment expenditure for many years or a long period of time,( even until they would have left nothing to pay or spent )

But as for the Covid19, if the virus affected to any of the existing patients who are already under treatment or have any other diseases and the immunity power already damaged will affect seriously and 99% chance to die. but at the same time in anyone who have minimum immunity power this corona virus19 cannot do anything.

if an existing patient died immediately because of this virus or any other reason, the medical world suffering a big loss of huge amount by each and every death.
because any human being who have any diseases is the only income source or assets of medical world

The virus covid19 is not in their control, because of not available of medicine or treatment methods. especially the 95% victims of covid19 are the existing patients who are already in treatment, it means the real assets of medical world are 95% victims of covid19.

That’s why the cases and deaths of covid19 reported every minutes, but the numbers of recovered from the virus infection are not reporting likewise even though the numbers are so large (27781311) what a huge number?
97% of total cases recovered without any medicine or treatment.

This is the most important matter we have to reported every hour, and also must give a true message to the people around the world that “there are nothing to worry, but only to do all possible things to improve immunity and optimal health”

So do all things possible to achieve optimal health and always practice its four pillars | proper nutrition | proper exercise | proper rest | positive mental attitude.

By practicing these four fundamental things you can improve your immunity power into maximum strength. then any of the virus or diseases can’t do anything in your body.
please understand that nobody will teach you freely the best methods to improve your immunity( immune system ) because the immunity power is not only for fighting just a covid19 virus but protecting you from all virus and diseases.