UMZU Immune with Vitamin C, Zinc, D3, and Elderberry

Learn more about UMZU Immune here –

I’m stoked to announce the release of our new UMZU supplement Immune today. Tons of our customers specifically asked us to formulate and immune system supplement for them. This is a simple and effective supplement utilizing well-known ingredients like Vitamin C, zinc, Vitamin D3, magnesium, elderberry extract, cordyceps mushroom, and echinacea.

Now more than ever, people are extremely aware of how vitally important a healthy immune system is, especially for fighting off foreign invaders. That’s why I’m really excited today to announce our own Umzu Immune supplement. It’s our premium immune support supplement with all natural ingredients. Ingredients that everyone knows and loves, like vitamin C, elderberry extract, zinc, magnesium, vitamin D, echinacea and cordyceps mushrooms.

The CDC reports that on average adults in the U.S. Actually get between two to three colds per year, which actually is kind of staggering and that’s a lot. Your body actually has this innate defense system called the immune system that can fight a lot of these things off, but especially during certain times of the year, like in the winter, it becomes more common to have these viral invaders come into your body and not be able to fight them off because of a weakened immune system.

Especially in the winter, you see it a lot because people have a very deficient vitamin D3 levels and that’s why we put vitamin D3 in here. And people tend to eat a bit of a different diet in the winter than they do in the summer where they focus less on fruit and they focus more on like comfort foods and that sort of thing, but they become deficient in certain things like vitamin C as well.

So in every single serving of Umzu Immune, you get vitamin C. The NIH reports that vitamin C deficiency actually impairs immunity and leads people at a higher susceptibility to infection. You get zinc, which is an extremely important immune modulator that a lot of people are deficient in. So correcting that deficiency will also help strengthen things. You also get some elderberry as well, which is extremely popular right now for good reason. In one randomized clinical trial, 60 subjects with flu like symptoms who took elderberry extract saw symptoms clear up four days earlier than placebo. And another clinical study showed positive results for helping clear up cold symptoms for air travelers when they took elderberry.

Like I mentioned before, vitamin D three is also extremely important. Vitamin D three helps to fortify the immune system against these foreign invaders. According to Harvard University Health, the best way to get enough vitamin D3 is by taking a supplement because it’s really hard to eat enough through your food. We also included magnesium in Umzu Immune because magnesium is extremely important for your health. Magnesium is the 11th most abundant mineral in the human body and it controls more than 300 bodily functions. A lot of people are deficient in this vital mineral and that can lead to a lot of different health issues in the body. Because it’s so important, magnesium plays a huge role in modulating and helping or controlling the immune response in a healthy manner.

Now another really interesting ingredient that we have in Umzu immune is called cordyceps mushrooms. A lot of people know what that is. It’s actually referred to as Himalayan gold because it’s been used in Tibetan medicine, traditional medicine for centuries, because it’s such a good way to strengthen the immune system and help people, especially in those cold climates.

And last but not least, Umzu immune also contains echinacea. Research shows the echinacea may help shorten the length and severity of colds as well as upper respiratory infections. As the NIH reports, echinacea is well researched in the scientific literature as an aid for the common cold. So if you want to learn more about where you can find some Umzu Immune, you can just click through the next page and learn more about it. I’ll see you over there.