Fight #covid19 with these #immunesystem boosters!

Welcome back!! Thanks for taking time to visit again. This is a space where we cultivate better health through #herbalism , intentional wellness and self-healing!!

The more we can do to stay healthy and balanced then the better chance we have of keeping our immune systems strong and ready to fight off the invisible enemy. This video talks about some go to plants that will help pump up and boost your immune system everyday of the year. Comment below what you use to keep your immune system healthy and strong!

#Andrographis has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as well as Ayurvedic healing practices.

#ginger is another wonderful plant that contributes to healthy gut flora and has an added bonus of immune boosting properties.

#shiitake mushrooms offer an overall health boost with many many benefits including boosting immune system.

#maitake mushrooms are rich in antioxidants as well as vitamins B and C making this a great addition to your immune system support.



I also offer herbal and wellness products through my online store. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions. I love to answer questions!!


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Hey everybody!! I’m really excited to share the information I’ve obtained during my wellness journey. I have chronic illness that has impacted my life. It has taken numerous trial and error attempts to figure things out. I wish I would have had a health mentor that could have given me some tips on how to get to where I am quicker so….that’s my plan with this channel. I want to mentor and educate you. I’m going to show you the good, bad and ugly of chronic illness. Some days are good. Some days are horrible. I’m taking you through it all so we can build a community to lean on, learn from and smile with when we need it most.

#holistichealing #holisticandwell #vanlife #buildingcommunity #herbalist #herbalism #plantmagic #mentalhealthadvocate #chronicillness #chronicpain #invisibleillness #fibromyalgia #autoimmunedisease #anxiety #mentalhealth #chronicfatigue #butyoudontlooksick #chronicillnesswarrior #chronicpainwarrior #chronicallyill #depression #health #pain #chronicillnessawareness #disability #chronicfatiguesyndrome #migraine #mswarrior #endometriosisawareness #spoonies #selfcare #arthritis #chronicpainawareness #invisibledisability #endowarrior #fatigue #wellness #healing #ibd #ptsd #disabled #crohns #diabetes #type #mentalhealthawareness #warrior #awareness #rheumatoidarthritis #bluethedog #servicedog