Amaranth leaves – Cinematic

These are red Amaranthus plants.
Amaranthus is an annual, upright, tall and broad leafed plant. Amaranth species have huge number of varieties. The greens are edible leafy vegetables and nutritious. Leaves and grains are staple foods of Incas and Aztecs in pre-Columbian times.

Health Benefits of Amaranth greens

Loaded with nutrients
Amaranth leaves are regarded as storehouse of phytonutrients as well as antioxidants which assist to lower inflammation in the body and boost nutrition to maintain overall health.

Low calories
The serving of 100 gm of amaranth leaves offers 23 calories. Small bit of fat and no cholesterol content makes it a healthy food for those who are concerned with weight or reduce weight.

Fiber content
Amaranth leaves have adequate soluble and insoluble fiber that offers various health benefits. Its intake helps to lower weight and hinder heart disease as it reduces cholesterol in blood. Nutritionists recommend to intake high dose of amaranth leaves in diet for managing weight and high blood pressure.

Treat anemia
A cup of Amaranth leaves offers 29% of daily recommended intake of iron. Iron is required for production of red blood cells and also required for cellular metabolism. Along with amaranth leaves, add vitamin C to facilitate maximum absorption of iron in blood. Add lemon with amaranth leaves with glass of orange juice.

Strengthen immune system
Amaranth greens have high content of vitamin C. A serving of 100 grams offers 70% of daily requirement of Vitamin C, a water soluble vitamin required to comb at infections and speeds up healing process. It also lowers the effect of free radicals in environment that results in aging and cancer.

Vitamin A
Amaranth leaves offer adequate Vitamin A. A cup of amaranth leaves provides 97% of daily requirement of this antioxidative vitamin. It is loaded with flavonoid polyphenolic antioxidant such as zeaxanthin, beta carotene and lutein providing a protective layer against oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This vitamin is required for maintaining healthy skin and vision health. It also protects mouth and lung cancers.

Vitamin K
Amaranth leaves are rich in Vitamin K which is crucial for bone health. It enhances osteoblastic activity and strengthen bone mass. It is useful for people with Alzheimer’s disease as it controls neural damage in brain.

Vitamin B content
Amaranth leaves are packed with vitamin B group. It offers riboflavin, folates, thiamin, niacin and Vitamin B6. It prevents birth defects in newborn babies and are required for physical and mental health.

Availability of potassium
Amaranth leaves are loaded with potassium required for maintaining good cardiac health. It is crucial for formation of balanced cellular fluid environment. It controls heart rate in human body.

Besides grain, amaranth leaves are also high in protein. Protein through plant source is regarded to be much healthier rather than animal sources as it has no cholesterol and very low fat.

Presence of lysine
Amaranth leaves contain lysine, an amino acid required for production of energy and calcium absorption. It enhance hair growth and promote skin health. It is beneficial for people experiencing hair loss and graying of hair color.

Promote HDL cholesterol
Amaranth leaves helps to reduce bad cholesterol which are responsible for cardiac ailments. It lowers high blood pressure and reduces the chances of heart attacks.

Adequacy of calcium
Amaranth leaves have high calcium content beneficial for people with osteoporosis and other bone associated health problems associated to calcium deficiency.

Promotes satiety
Intake of amaranth leaves suppress appetite being rich in protein. Diet rich in protein results suppression of hunger as they promote insulin levels in blood and promotes satiety.

Ease digestion
Amaranth leaves ease the digestion process. It is helpful for treatment of diarrhea and hemorrhages. Its regular intake is found to be helpful for digestive health.