#21: Dr. Mom, ND – Healthy Kids Supplements, Show N Tell

Do you give your kids – or yourself – daily vitamins, minerals, probiotics, cod liver or fish oil? What if they were doing more harm than good?

More supplements than you think contain BAD ingredients like refined sweeteners…I’m looking at you ALL forms of cane sugar…synthetic derivatives of vitmains and minerals, and or things that are part of food intolerances…. I share one patient’s story who thought she was taking some GREAT supplements…

Thus, in my ongoing quest to always find and use the highest quality organic whole food based natural supplements, vitamins and minerals that are compliant with most food intolerance groups and combinations…

*read ZERO sugar, even organic cane sugars in any form*

…I’ve come across a slew of new products I’m trying out with my kids and decided it was time to share them all with you!

Today I cover the basics, of course: probiotics, cod liver oil, fish oil, and multi-vitamins, with a note on trace minerals.

And, in the event your, or your kids, “terrain” takes a turn for the worse, – since we now know germ theory is joke, and terrain – and the gut – are everything – there are a few other new products I’ve discovered to support the healthy function of various systems as well, i.e. immune, respiratory, etc.

Join me for a “sugar-free” product show-N-tell today as I explore supplements that are compatible with the various categories of food intolerances….

…most notably the fruit+sugar combination and potato — as those apply to my kids, however I always remain on the look out for the other main groups as well — Fruit, Dairy, Sugar, and Egg; and I’ll share some of those often found ingredients with you as well.

Still not up to speed on the Carroll Method of Food Intolerance?
Check out the basics here:

Enjoy, share, and keep your Terrain Strong!!

#WellnessWednesday #drmom #DrMomND #DrWhitND #wellnessmama #NDHealth #LicensedND #naturopathicmedicine #naturopathicdoctor #naturopathy #naturalmedicine #integrativemedicine #functionalmedicine #immunesystem #naturalhealth #codliveroil #vitaminC #probiotics #wholefoodvitamins #vitaminD #zinc #fishoil #sugarfree #carrollmethod #foodintolerances #guthealth #kidshealth #nutrition #wellness #sugardetox