Health and Nutrition Benefits of 'Pears'

Health and Nutrition Benefits of ‘Pears’

Pears are a delicious, low-calorie snack, and they’re also chock-full of hard-to-get nutrients.

As part of a balanced, nutritious diet, consuming pears could support weight loss and reduce a person’s risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

The vitamin C in pears fight off free radicals, which can put your cells under oxidative stress and lead to chronic disease.

Pears contain a soluble fiber called pectin, which nourishes gut bacteria and improves gut health.

Pears have high water content. This helps keep stools soft and flushes the digestive system of toxins.

Pears contain high levels of antioxidants, including vitamin K, and copper. These chemicals counter the effects of free radicals, protecting cells from the damage they can cause.

Pears are available year-round and easy to find in most grocery stores.


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