Hospitalized due to COVID-19: Best friends test POSITIVE: Our experiences.

In today’s video, we take you through our experiences with COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)(Coronavirus). We know this video is much longer than our usual videos, so we tried to sum up our experiences in the first few minutes of the video. If you decide to watch the whole video, we thank you and hope that you feel more educated on COVID-19. Our goal with this video is to raise awareness and to also inform viewers what could happen if you test positive for the virus and what symptoms you should be on the look out for that could mean you need to seek medical attention.
We are not doctors, but if you have any questions about our experiences, feel free to comment below or find us on Instagram @i_see_l_and_f

Wear a mask, wash your hands, and socially distance.
Take Care of Each Other!

Timestamps —
Timeline of Symptoms: 2:25 – 2:39 [PAUSE video to read all parts of timeline]
Video Clips while Symptomatic: 2:43 – 6:55
Beginning of France’s Hospital Experience: 30:56
We get scared by a frog 55:41

Pulse oximeter: