Trump receives antiviral and steroid treatment to fight off COVID-19

‘코로나 입원’ 트럼프, 개발 중 항체약물과 렘데시비르, 스테로이드 등 투약

74 years old, male and overweight.
President Trump has all these factors linked to more severe cases of COVID-19.
To help relieve symptoms and shorten hospital stay, his physicians are combining antiviral and steroid treatment.
Lee Kyung-eun zooms in what taking this double-barrelled approach, imply about the American leader’s health.
To fight off COVID-19, President Trump is exploring all treatment options, including experimental drugs.
Trump’s diagnosis was confirmed on Thursday.
And the next day, he was given an experimental antibody “cocktail”, which combines two types of antibodies.
It is used on those who are not sick enough to be hospitalized,… to help them clear the virus on their own.
Trump’s physician Sean Conley said the president was given the drug as a quote, “precaution”.
Along with the antibody “cocktail”,… Trump has also been given zinc and vitamin D,…to boost his immune system.
Another potential COVID-19 drug, melatonin hormone, and aspirin were also part of his medication.
Later on Friday, Trump was transported to hospital,…where he started on a five-day course of Remdesivir.
The antiviral drug has been found to reduce hospital stays,… by up to four days.
But given that it’s usually given to moderate to severe patients,… who need oxygen supplementation, ….there has been speculation that Trump may be in such condition,…which Conley denied.
On Sunday, however, the medical team revealed a new addition to Trump’s treatment a type of steroid,… typically given to patients on oxygen therapy.
“We did initiate dexamethasone therapy and he received his first dose of that yesterday and our plan is to continue that for the time being.”
The team also went back on their previous comments,… and admitted that Trump HAD been given supplemental oxygen,… as he underwent two episodes of “transient drops” in oxygen level.
These treatments have led some experts to raise questions about Trump’s condition.
“This isn’t the typical course in terms of the treatment regimen for someone that’s only having mild symptoms. So, I’d still like to know a little more.”
Despite the ongoing treatment, Trump’s doctors say, he could return to office as early as Monday local time.
Lee Kyung-eun, Arirang News.

2020-10-05, 22:00 (KST)

#COVID19 #Trump #treatment

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