Benefits of Taking a Multivitamin | Walking Tip of the Day

Benefits of Taking a MultiVitamin | Walking Tip of the Day
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Recommended Multivitamins:
GNC Mega Men Multivitamin for Men,:
GNC Multivitamin Women’s Energy & Metabolism:


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Today’s Walking Tip of the Day is:

Benefits Taking a Multi-Vitamin
It’s always better to eat a healthy balanced diet, especially fruits and vegetables, but sometimes you need help to get your daily nutritional needs met. Here are the benefits of taking a multivitamin daily:

• Healthy Aging: Our nutritional needs increase as we age at the same time it gets harder for the body to absorb nutrients. Medications can further deplete our body of nutrients. A multivitamin can aid in combating this decrease.
• Heart Health: Heart disease is a leading cause of death in both men and women in the US. Vitamins B1, B2, B6, K1, Niacin (B3), CoQ10, and magnesium. All play a role in cardiovascular health.
• Reduce Cancer Risk: Vitamin use has been associated with a decrease in the risk of some cancers.
• Boost Immunity: Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and along with Vitamins D, and E help strengthen the immune system.
• Eye Health: Vitamins A, C, E, Niacin (B3), and selenium support eye health. Lutein and Zeaxanthin also protect the eyes from harmful light waves.
• Replace Water-Soluble Vitamins: Excess water-soluble vitamins travel through the body and must be replaced each day. Vitamins B, and C are water-soluble.
• Healthy Hair and Skin: Vitamin B3, biotin, and Vitamin C help support healthy hair. Vitamins A, C, E, and CoQ10 support healthy skin.
• Feel Better: The B family of vitamins is associated with a boost in energy levels, feeling of well-being, and a decrease in stress and anxiety.

Walk on,

Bumper Music by Frank S. Ring