Donald Trump Dexamethasone Treatment – Dexamethasone Side Effects Include Lowering Immune System

Donald Trump according to his doctor has received Dexamethasone as treatment. Dexamethasone is only used for severe symptoms due to the fact it lowers the immune system and with less severe symptoms increases risk of death.

“The WHO defined severe cases of Covid-19 as causing blood oxygen levels to fall below 90%. Healthy adults generally have blood oxygen levels of 95% or higher. Rapid breathing or other signs of respiratory distress could also cause a case to be considered severe. ”

“One study cited by the WHO showed that dexamethasone reduced mortality to about 22.9% compared to 25.7% for those given usual treatments. ”

This means that for Donald Trump to receive Dexamethasone it means there is something wrong with his lungs enough that attending doctors consider it to be a severe case.

Speaking of doctors Stella Immanuel after pushing cures not approved by WHO and her supporters getting videos taken down on Youtube she is now currently suspended from Twitter for violating their TOS.