Sept 2020 Supplements- for Auto Immune and General Good Health

I picked up some supplements the other day in preparation for winter, and thought I would let you know what they are, in case you are interested in doing something similar 🙂

Let me know what you are supplementing with or if not, how you have such a beautiful diet…

Fish Oil:

Vitamin D3: (different brand, with K2, same concept)

Coenzyme Q10:

I also take Lugol’s Iodine 2% solution (as I feel it’s needed):


Homemade yogurt, kombucha, and sauerkraut are also important parts of my diet, along with bone broth

Videos on Related Topics:

My Crohn’s Story:
Vitamin D Sources and Benefits:
Iodine Sources and Benefits:
How to Make Yogurt (for digestion):
Benefits of Gelatin (broth):

Thank you for watching!