Immunity Booster Healthy Meal_Breakfast_Lunch_Dinner

#immunitybooster #Corona #healtyfood #meal #JivanVictory
People often ask us what is immune system and how can you improve it?
A simple answer would be that your immune system focuses on defending you against deadly viruses and diseases which often occur due to microorganisms. it fight germs and troubles their process to make you sick.

A balanced diet plan and a workout regime can never harm you so we recommend you to follow a healthy lifestyle to stay protected. So what is a healthy lifestyle?
🔥Avoid alcohol,smoking and fat-burners
🔥Avoid eating junk food and fizzy drinks
🔥Sleeping early and maintaining a sleep routine
🔥Regular exercise, a combo of both cardio and workouts
🔥Strech regularly, play outside, prefer outdoor games, fresh air
🔥Keep your office stress at office and hangout with friends and family
🔥Drink enough water, try intermittent fasting, avoid bad company

To get starting, we’re sending you a simple Indian diet plan to help you boost your immunity goals. it includes foods rich in antioxidants at breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner.
Following the diet plan will give you enough vitamins,minerals and other essential nutrients to keep you energetic throughout the day and gradually help you boost your immunity goals.