The Truth About TRT In The Fitness Industry (Natural Vs. Enhanced)

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Video Description

Several well known “fitness influencers” (Merijn, HowToBeast and Jo Lindner AKA Joesthetics) have come forward recently to openly discuss their use of PED’s as part of their bodybuilding and fitness lifestyle.

Merijn posted a video entitled “I am no longer natural” disclosing his use of testosterone replacement therapy, while HowToBeast has compiled an entire TRT playlist with videos such as “How I DOUBLED my Testosterone in 3 Months (CONFIRMED with blood test)”, “1 Year on Testosterone (SIDE EFFECTS? GAINS? REGRETS?)” and “My FULL Testosterone Stack Revealed”.

Jo Lindner also talked about his past steroid use in a video titled “How i first got in touch with Steroids (the true story)” and “Joesthetics GEAR Story (The truth is not enough)”.

In today’s video I give my thoughts on the whole “natural vs. steroids” debate and share some important information about testosterone replacement therapy that you might not be aware of.

For example, is it REALLY just a matter of increasing testosterone levels to the “high end of the natural range”? Does a person who uses TRT but doesn’t disclose it qualify as a fake natty? Just how serious is TRT and who should consider it? How effective is TRT at helping someone build muscle and gain strength?

Check out today’s video and be sure to let me know your thoughts in the comments.

Additional tags: merijn trt, howtobeast trt, jo lindner steroids, bodybuilding steroids