How Can Your Immune System Fight The Coronavirus? Featuring Dr. Prasad

This week on the BrainTap Business Journal Podcast we welcome Dr. Kedar Prasad. Dr. Prasad is a world-renowned expert in nutrition. He obtained a master’s degree in Zoology from the University of Bihar in India and a Ph.D. in Radiation Biology from the University of Iowa. He did post-doctoral training at the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dr. Prasad was a professor at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and the Director of the Center for Vitamins and Cancer Research at the University of Colorado.

Dr. Prasad has published 20 books and 250 peer-reviewed articles and has spent over 40 years developing the CQF standard, which is the foundation for all Engage Global product formulations. He is the President of the International Society of Nutrition and Cancer, a member of the British Royal Academy of Medicine, a member of the Nobel Prize Nominating Committee for candidates in medicine and worked with the Department of Defense to research antioxidant micronutrition to address the effects of trauma and stress associated with war. He is one of the foremost experts on nutrition, cancer, neurological disease, and the effects micronutrients and antioxidants have on each with the backing of over 14 clinical trials.

Dr. Prasad’s product, Micro Daily, is a patented powerful combination of micronutrients that, through Dr. Prasad’s extensive research, has been proven to be the most effective dietary supplement available. Micro Daily helps you counteract the effects of toxins and damaging free radicals. Our environment and diet deplete our naturally occurring inflammation agents. To counteract this, we need to supplement nutrition with micronutrients to help prevent disease and support normal body functions. This is the key to what Micro Daily does to help you achieve optimal cellular function.

What the Podcast-Video Will Teach You:
• How inflammation and free radicals are damaging our body and what to do to reduce it.
• How micronutrients can reduce inflammation by reducing the production of free radicals and the production of toxic chemicals that chronic inflammation produces.
• Why Micro Daily is superior to grocery store vitamins.
• How Dr. Prasad’s research shows that excluding copper, iron, manganese and other metals that do not interact well with vitamins is vitally important to having a micronutrient that benefits the body.
• The truth about CBD and it’s health benefits.
• How CBD enhances the beneficial effects of Micro Daily.
• How you can order Micro Daily for yourself to experience the benefits.
• The business opportunities available for your office to work with Dr. Prasad’s products.


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Phone: 801-369-2193 (Call Thea and tell her Dr. Porter sent you!)