Immune Boosting Supplements (Part 1)

Hi Friends!

On IG stories a few weeks back, I asked you if you would like to see all the supplements I use on a consistent basis to help support my immune system. I received a resounding YES! So here it is!
I did break it up into 2 parts! This first video is going to go over the vitamins, minerals, & detox supplements I use. The second is all about herbs and other supplements I use which don’t fit under the first 3 categories!
Everything I talk about in this video is listed below in case you wanted to learn more about them.

Thank you so much for watching!
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Below are the products I mentioned in this video:

**Please note: If you choose to purchase any of the mentioned items from the links below, I may earn a small commission. This is at no additional cost to you. I promise to only share products I am currently using and honestly believe in. I will never share an item for the sake of earning a commission EVER! Also, these items are NOT sponsored but are links from Amazon.**


1.) Ester-C With Flavonoids by Pure Encapsulations:
2.) Ultra D-5000 (K78) by Apex Energetics:

3.) Chelated Magnesium by Country Life:

4.) Vitamin B-12 (K34) by Apex Energetics:
(This one is not the exact one I take but it similar to it.)


5.) Milk Thistle Seed by Gaia Herbs:

* Trizomal Glutathion by Apex Energetics: (The company that manufactures this product is currently not selling it at the moment. A main ingredient they use in the creation of their formula comes from Italy. Due to Covid-19, they have discontinued manufacturing this product until further notice.)
6.) Glutathion By Thorne:
(This is the product I am currently using in lieu of the Trizomal Glutathione until they bring it back in stock.)
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Video Quote: “Whenever the immune system successfully deals with an infection, it emerges from the experience stronger and better able to confront similar threats in the future. Our immune system develops in combat. If at the first sign of infection, you always jump in with antibiotics, you do not give the immune system a chance to grow stronger.”

– Andrew Weil, M.D.