Trumps Tests positive for COVID19 exposes us all

Trumps Tests positive for COVID19 exposes us all

Intentionally or unintentionally, Trump exposes people. People tend to show who they are, and they don’t even realize that it is happening. The overzealous hate and ugliness for Trump isn’t a reflection of him, it is a reflection of those showing the hate. Testing positive for COVID19 isn’t a reflection of Trump, as the media and Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the Progressive Marxists are saying. It is a reflection of them. It shows that people are now emboldened by a number of things because of this situation. Self-adulation, a feeling of pride thinking they can say, “i told ya so”, or even worse, a feeling of relief because so many people still don’t understand this virus and they think it’s a death sentence and they are happy. Trump testing positive for Covid 19 has exposed those people.
But it’s just pure hate, hate that they have for someone who they say is a horrible person. So, the way to deal with a horrible person, is to be more horrible, I guess. I don’t think it’s that simple though. I think it is a positioning. We are in a “Good vs. Evil” battle on this planet and it is coming to a head.
People are who they are internally, and sometimes they don’t even know it until something triggers them. Some people don’t know that they are inherently good, until a situation arises and a reaction allows those true colors to shine. Same goes for the bad. We may live life day in and day out thinking we are the cream of the crop, no problems here, until something triggers inside you, and the real you shows up, and it begins to eat away at you. Because constant hate and negativity affects the immune system, and it makes people sick.

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