Dolores Cahill 22nd September 2020

In this video Professor Dolores Cahill is telling us that our best form of defence from any viral disease is to give our immune system what it needs to function correctly. Namely good nutrition and importantly, Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc.
I recently listened to a topical video posted on 1st October By Dr M Campbell titled Vitamin D news and science. The science emerging around vitamin D and our immune system is fascinating

Link to Belgium Low Dose HCQ Trial

Link to Oxford based Recovery Project

Link to British National Formulary site

Link to Dr Michael Campbell Looking at results of mortality in trials of low and high dose HCQ

There is muting of audio in a few places in the talk. This is link to download an Mp3 of original file.

The document in the link below is a statement by Dr Michael Yeadon. It seeks to explain in detail how how vastly inaccurate the governments present testing strategy is and backs up much of what Professor Dolores Cahill is saying in this respect.

Dr Mike Yeadon is the former CSO and VP, Allergy and Respiratory Research Head with
Pfizer Global R&D and co-Founder of Ziarco Pharma Ltd.