7 Ways Your Immune System Affects Your Mind And Body

Do your wounds slowly heal? How does your stomach feel? Does the immune system affect your mental health, or is it the other way around? We’re talking all that AND more…

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#MentalHealth #ImmuneSystem #Bestie


Intro – 0:00
Slower Healing Wounds – 00:29
You’re More Prone To Infections – 01:33
Stress Hurts Your Immunity – 02:57
Awful Stomach Discomfort – 04:10
Autoimmune Disorders – 04:48
You Get a Cold Easier – 05:19
You’ll Always Be Tired – 06:19


1. Slower Healing Wounds
If your immune system isn’t healthy, the body’s cells are going to repair slower than expected. This means that your wounds won’t heal as quickly.

2. You’re More Prone To Infections
A bad immune system makes you more vulnerable to infections. In order to get rid of it, the immune system needs to fight pathogens. These are biological agents that cause disease. The immune system weeds through cells and tissues in order to find them. Once they’ve been identified, the immune system reacts in 2 ways…

3. Stress Hurts Your Immunity
Have you been overwhelmed at work lately? Has being cooped up in quarantine made you feel anxious? Well an unhealthy amount of stress will weaken your immune system, opening the door to sickness and infection.

4. Awful Stomach Discomfort
A healthy immune system will decide on how well your stomach is feeling. When the immune system is not where it should be, the stomach gets the brunt of your body’s anger. It will often feel like a roller coaster is moving around your bowels. Why is that?

5. Autoimmune Disorders
Believe it or not, your cells have a mind of their own. And much like your brain, the immune system can become confused. An autoimmune disorder is when the immune system mistakes your body’s cells for foreign invaders. This is because it can’t tell the difference.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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