No One Was Immune: The History and Science of Pandemics in the Americas from Smallpox to COVID-19

Join John Hessler for a lecture focused on the genomics and geospatial transmission of infectious disease, concentrating on the VARV Variola virus (Smallpox), from which we have the oldest complete genome sequence, on the science of ancient DNA sequencing, and on the complexities of mapping the genome and mutation patterns of pandemics like COVID-19. Examine archaeological evidence, like the Vilnius mummies, and look into the genomic origins of the Smallpox strains that came to the Americas in the 16th century. Learn about new techniques and mathematical and algorithmic breakthroughs in phylogenetic analysis, and explore the geospatial dynamics, the complex disease transmission network, and the nucleotide mutation patterns in COVID-19.

Want to dive deeper? Register for the Odyssey Course on this topic with John Hessler – 6 sessions, September 24 – October 29. 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm.
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