12 Super Nutrition Packed Foods Recommended for HEALTH | Ease The Lightbody Integration | GAINZZ :P

I share 12 foods that I consider very micro-nutrient packed!!! These foods contain an abundance of vitamins and minerals that will help improve your health, no doubt fam!!! I find these as a good step to assist with not only improving your health, as what food is to do, but to assist with integrating your Lightbody, for with a clean and healthy vessel, the Light does not have to struggle beating the crap out of the denser-lower vibe like energy in the SUIT!!!! So, I share a quick thing or two in regards to the recommended foods!!!

2:43 – Hemp Seeds
6:11 – Flax Seeds
7:54 – Chia Seeds
11:40 – Sunflower Seeds
13:48 – Pumpkin Seeds
15:46 – Almonds
18:00 – Walnuts
20:30 – Avocados
23:00 – Wild Blueberries
25:25 – Spinach
26:51 – Broccoli
29:04 – Seaweed

Christ Masterjohn, PHD – Course :

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