How To Inject Vitamin B12

Here I show you how to inject vitamin B12 from our vitamin B12 vials!

The Vitamin B12 Injections that cured me 100% :


VITAMIN B12 POWDER (methylcobalamin) – 1 YEAR SUPPLY!
SALINE SOLUTION (mix with vitamin B12 powder)

Unfortunately, many US clinics sell their B12 injections for $50-$75 per injection!
CVS sells theirs for $35 per injection.
But mine are about $3 or $4 per injection and they also include SYRINGES, ALCOHOL SWABS, and SALINE SOLUTION!
The vial will last for a YEAR!
With B12BeYou, your injections are ready to go!
And it saves you the hassle of running all around town trying to find these items needed for injections!

This video teaches you how to inject our vitamin B12.
Open the package you receive.
Take out the syringes, alcohol swabs, B12 powder, sterile saline solutions, and instructions.

Please share your vitamin B12 story with us in the comment section below!
I’d love to create an ‘eco-system’ of testimonies that help everyone who comes across this channel to heal 100% of their vitamin B12 deficiencies!

If you have had vitamin B12 injections or vitamin B12 shots, please share that experience with us too!

This is my vitamin B12 deficiency story in a nutshell and how I healed using vitamin B12 injections.


Brain fog
Pins and needles
Difficulty breathing
Muscle twitching
Heart palpitations
Balance issues
Blurry Eyesight
Memory loss
brain inflammation
Anhydrosis — failure to sweat
Pain in my limbs
Pounding headache for months at a time (especially upon standing)
Gastroparesis – paralysis of my gastro-intestinal area
Polyps on tongue.
Shaky hands.
Dry skin
Dry hair


Doctors medications.
Colloidal silver IV’s
Nasty anti-viral Herbal concoctions
Hyperbaric oxygen chambers
tons and tons of supplements
Ointments and creams
Car saunas
Regular saunas
Infrared saunas
Atlas orthonganists
Faith healers
Essential oils
Eating garlic by the cloves
Amongst other things


1. Eating health
2. Fasting
3. Vitamin B12 Injections

Please visit the website if you are interested in ordering vitamin B12 injections today!

The MOST POWERFUL Vitamin B12 liquid supplement that helped save my life:

The FIRST B12 SUPPLEMENT I took that stopped my decline and reversed my symptoms:

I had to use those two above supplements to tide me over while I waited for the injectable form to arrive from Europe.

I’m forever grateful for those companies!

For more information on vitamin B12:

See my vitamin B12 INJECTION DEMONSTRATION video here:

Injection Syringe (Short Needle):
Injection Syringe (Long Needle):

Alcohol Cleansing Pads:

Saline Solution:

Vitamin B12 – Injection Demonstration
This is what brought me back to life!
You’ll need a syringe, an alcohol pad, saline solution and injectable vitamin B12.

Extremely affordable. This will all last you AT LEAST 10 months with weekly injections!

CVS Pharmacy sells their vitamin B12 shots at 10x the cost!
And theirs is man-made, synthetic, with fillers and additives.
But our vitamin B12 is pure and all-natural!

I felt I HAD to make these available to you all because I wish they were available to me when I was in desperate need of vitamin B12 injections.

If you have a vitamin B12 deficiency that has kicked your butt in one way or another (just like it did to me!) and then healed from it, please share your stories in the comment section below!

And a big cause of nerve damage are vitamin B12 deficiencies.
If you or someone you love has nerve damage, please get their vitamin B12 levels checked out ASAP!
The Health Benefits of Methylcobalamin

Because it doesn’t require as much work in your digestive cycle to process and absorb methylcobalamin, it’s often a go-to treatment for certain diseases that don’t respond well to other forms. For instance, many people who suffer from degenerative neurological symptoms find that it’s the only way they can find relief, as this form of B12 promotes neuronal function, improves nerve regeneration and even shields your cortical neurons against harmful neurotoxicity.

In other cases, high levels of methylcobalamin are also used to relieve and help treat the following diseases and conditions:

Multiple sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Bell’s palsy
Diabetic neuropathy
Glutamate neurotoxicity
Even if you don’t suffer from the above conditions, supplementing your vitamin B12 intake with this form can improve your quality of life.

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