Your Mental Health with Karine Rayson and The Crew Coach: Juice Your Way To Wellness

Chef Mark Farmer joins Karine to talk all about Juicing and the effects on your health and wellbeing.

When you think “I can’t do this anymore”

People who are struggling to cope with workplace stress may place themselves at high risk of burnout.

I have experienced burn out on a few occasions in my career. I am now really good at spotting it and managing it sneaks up on me.

👉Here are some of the most common signs of burnout:
👉May become more cynical or negative about work
👉May feel numb
👉Lack energy or find it difficult to concentrate
👉Headaches and stomachaches or intestinal issues.

💛If you want to know more send Karine an email at karine@thecrewcoach.com, as she has a detailed checklist available.