Female Fitness Motivation – Vivi Winkler (@viviwinkler) 2020 #6 4K

Vivi Winkler is a beautiful and very confident Brazilian fitness model who has established herself as one of the most attractive athletes from Brazil. Vivi is also considered one of the sexiest bodybuilders in the world. She became a prominent figure and made her bodybuilding debut in 2016.

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Viviane “Vivi” Winkler is a well-known fitness model and bodybuilder from Rio De Janeiro, Brazil. She rose to the top of the Brazilian fitness scene in 2016.

Living in a location that’s know for bodybuilding, and the world’s most famous beaches, Vivi immersed herself in the bodybuilding scene.

However, Vivi’s life wasn’t always a model of health. In 2013, Vivi was overweight, and unhappy with her physique. That’s when she decided to turn her life around by stepping into the gym.

After securing her dreams of becoming a professional fitness model, and creating her dream physique, Vivi’s Instagram account (@viviwinklerwellness) has attracted a large number of followers. This is where she’s generated international interest from women all over the world looking to improve their physique.
Athlete Statistics
Full Name: Viviane Winkler Lourenço
WEIGHT: 115 – 125lbs (52.2 – 56.7kg)
HEIGHT: 5’7″ (170cm)
Starting Training
Vivi began training seriously in 2006. Since then, she’s been pushing herself hard and working out almost everyday to surpass her goals, one after the other. She enjoys training her quadraceps the most, and provides fans with regular videos of these workouts on social media.

In terms of gym equipment, Vivi loves using the extensor chair for her lower body strength workouts. She includes a lot of dumbbell sets for her upper body, where she aims to create a strong and toned body, as opposed to the big bulky look, says Vivi.

Cardio is also extremely important to Vivi. She likes to train outdoors and often runs around her local town. As Rio De Janeiro is blessed with a tropical climate, many local bodybuilders take advantage of this all-year-round sunshine to workout outdoors, and Vivi is no exception to this.
Planned Meals
Vivi follows a strict diet plan which focuses on healthy carbohydrates and protein sources. She focuses on foods which are both traditionally Brazilian choices, and excellent bodybuilding options containing a mixture of the three macros; proteins, fats, and carbs.

One of her favorite meals consists of 150 grams of brown rice, with 200 grams of chicken and a side salad. She also eats ‘Ovos Mexidos’ a lot, which is a spicy Mexican scrambled egg dish with onions and a tomato sauce.

Supplement stack
As well as these extremely healthy meals, Vivi also uses as wide range of supplements to keep herself in the best possible condition.

Whey protein isolate
Pre workout
Vitamin D
Vitamin A
Post workout Vitamin C tablets
Goji Berry extract

#bodybuildingwomen #fitnessmodel #viviwinkler