What happen to your body if you drink Noni Juice

What happen to your body if you drink Noni Juice

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What happen to your body if you drink Noni Juice
In today’s video you are going to learn more about noni (Morinda citrifolia) benefits, effectiveness and possible side effects.

The Indian mulberry, also known as the noni fruit (its scientific name is Morinda citrifolia) has been used as an immune system booster and detox fruit for centuries.

It’s rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, Vitamin B3, and iron and can have several powerful benefits.

Here are 10 of it’s greatest benefits and a little explanation of each of them:

It fights infections
It reduces cholesterol
It treats high blood pressure
It’s a sedative and analgesic
It relieves Irritable Bowel Syndrome
It boosts your immune system
It’s good for your skin
It helps your memory
It prevents cancer

There are, however, a few side effects to this miracle fruit. When consumed in large doses it may cause liver damage, so try and be balanced about your noni fruit consumption. It’s not recommended for people who are pregnant, breast feeding or have kidney problems.

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